The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #333 - June 4, 1997

Magical Armchair Digest    Wednesday, June 4 1997    Volume 01 : Number 333

                           THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                     The Ben Folds Five Mailing List
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    Another BF5 dream
    minneapolis meeting ideas
    I wanaa know where Mitchell Lane is...!
    Interview with BF5
    Re: minneapolis meeting ideas
    Magical Armchair Digest V1 #330 


Date: Tue, 3 Jun 97 00:16:22 -0500
From: Michael Bluejay <>
Subject: Another BF5 dream

The first 60 or so ballots in the cover song election came in quickly, 
and now they're trickling in VERY slowly.  I've got 79 ballots and need 
21 more to close the election.  Please, if you haven't voted yet, please 
visit the web site and vote:

Next, here's a dream I had which included a BF5 song.  This dream only 
barely involves BF5, but it's the *only* BF5 dream I've had of late, and 
since a couple of you asked me to post any new BF5 dreams a while back, 
this is all I've got.

Many of you have probably heard of lucid dreams, in which you're aware 
that your dreaming.  I've had those fairly frequently since childhood.  
But about five years ago (I'm 29), I started having what I call 
"realistic lucid dreams", in which the details are so vivid and accurate 
that I have no way to prove to myself in the dream that I'm dreaming, 
although I suspect that I am.  Everything is too perfect: colors, shapes, 
gravity, positions, sounds -- everything.  It's hard to convince myself 
I'm dreaming even when I suspect it because everything seems too damn 
real.  This is only a small percentage of my dreams, but they're pretty 
startling when they happen.

Okay, so I'm lying on the mat I sleep on, kind of sleepy, looking at some 
of the things near my floor, and I hear "Underground" blaring from my 
living room.  But this couldn't be, because *I* didn't turn the stereo 
on, since I'm in bed.  But since childhood I've been trained that 
whenever anything impossible happens I should suspect that I'm dreaming, 
so I do suspect that I am.  So I look for clues that it's a dream.  First 
I listen to the song that I hear playing -- but it's too accurate.  I can 
hear every part clearly, MUCH more clearly than I can consciously 
re-create in my head right now as I'm typing this.  I look at the things 
in my room.  They too seem vividly real.  The music stops playing.  I 
really suspect I'm dreaming so I try to wake up.  No dice.  It feels 
exactly like trying to wake up when you're already awake.  I get up to go 
to the bathroom for some reason.  I go inside but it's dark because the 
light is off.  I reach for the light switch and I feel it, but I feel 
that it's already in the "on" position.  But if the switch were REALLY 
on, then the lights would be on.  Therefore, I know I must be dreaming.  
Now that I'm 100% sure, I really want to wake up.  Why not have fun in 
the alternate dream universe?  I do so on occasion, but sometimes it's 
unsettling to exist in a universe that is nearly perfect but which you 
know is not real.  I'm not sure how to wake myself up, so I decide to 
bang my head on the door frame in the bathroom.  As soon as my head makes 
contact with the door frame, I wake up.

Was BF5 the catalyst for this dream?  If I had never heard of BF5, would 
I have had a similar dream with some other song playing?  I'll never 
know.  Sorry that this was only tenuously on-topic, but somebody asked 
for it, and hey, at least I'll never post my ten favorite albums. :-)

- -- Michael Bluejay (Austin, TX)


Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 00:12:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ben Clasen <>
Subject: minneapolis meeting ideas

hiya boys and girls.  we are getting down to the line here.  i first
have to apologise for taking so long in sending this letter - i just
moved home and had to get hooked up to a new server -- it took a
little longer than i thought it would.  anyway - BFF on wednesday - i
am so jazzed i cant explain it.  whatever.  ill get to the point.  i
have talked to a few people and we have come up with two ideas for a
meeting.   doors for the show open at 6 - so we were thinking about
meeting at 5 at pizza luce.  if you are unfamiliar with it, pizza luce
is a small pizza cafe located 4-5 blocks from fist ave at 119 North
4th st. (in minneapolis).  it has an excellent menu at low prices.  it
has a fine selection of microbrews.  we decided this would be the best
spot because it offers the beer option as well as the coffee option as
well as the food option - and seeing that not all of our crowd is of
legal drinking age - a bar simply would not be prudent.  

i am about 5'11" and have short dark hair.  i will be nursing a
rolling rock and sitting at a table with 3 or 4 minneapolis bff fan
friends (non-armchairheads).  there will probably be a few packs of
camel lights on the table.  i will be wearing a black BLUE NOTE JAZZ
CLUB t-shirt and black all stars.  i will be looking for tom in a KUMM
t-shirt, kelly in a white t-shirt with daisies in her hair, and amie
in a barenaked ladies shirt.  too bad we couldnt get an armchair logo
or something.  if i get crazy, i might make a sign or some shit like

if five is too early ofr some people, i think those of us who do hook
up should reconvine at 6:30 by the right speaker towers (as you look
at the stage) in the mainroom.  i will be there anyway.

i know this is a bit late, but i hope it will work.  let me know if
you think you will be there or if you have any questions - i am on a
different server now, but you can still reply to my old address at and i will get the letter.  tell all of your
friends who i have forgotten on my distribution list.

looking forward to meeting you guys.

ben clasen

ps - i might also be wearing a fanny pack - "shitchya its cool" -bf5

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Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 09:37:14 +0
From: "S I PICK (BA (Hons) Design)" <>
Subject: I wanaa know where Mitchell Lane is...!

Hiya, Whatevers!

Sounds like an infinitely groovy place, that Mitchell Lane... I 
managed to pick up the two singles of Kate (BTW she has the most 
cutest dimples... :) ) and I admit I enjoyed them more than Battle - 
there also has to be the mellowest track I've heard in a long time - 
Mitchell Lane! I absolutely love that song... why didn't it get into 
the album? Probably cos Selfless, Cold and Composed was there 

Still trying to perfect the "Folds elbow", where he hits the piano 
over a clutch of keys with his right elbow - evident in Kate on 
TFI.... ah, well. One more thing - anyone know where I can get some 
BFF sheet music? Is there any official stuff out there?

Gotta go, this toothache is driving me insane %(

Steve ;)~

"Happiness and bliss, Sunshine is amiss..." Mitchell Lane


Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 19:09:46 -0600 (MDT)
From: (colin)
Subject: Interview with BF5

In this month's issue of grid magazine (my employer), there is an interview
with BF5 when they were in Salt Lake City a month or two ago.  You should be
able to see the interview on the web page (if they updated it yet), but if
you want a copy of the actual magazine... let me know.

And i'll finally get my chance to see BF5 (since I missed them the last two
times they were here) when they play on the Horde Tour or what ever it's
called on July 15th.  Hooray for me!
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
      Colin Lewis     cadet #26
      grid magazine:
      This month: Interview with Ben Fold's Five


Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 07:59:05 EDT 
From: (kelly l goolsby)
Subject: Re: minneapolis meeting ideas

that sounds perfect. 


Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 14:08:03 +0100
From: Mark Piper (PWA) <>
Subject: ?

Why the hell have I just received two blank armchairs? Are you telling me that no-one posted in the last 24 hours?

Did anyone see the NME review of the single last week? The reviewer stated that "they fluffed the beginning but carry on regardless" (or words to that effect). Fluff the beginning?? Sure, it's offset from the beat, but it's not "fluffed" in any way. Fool.

 I think all journos at the weekly music press should be shot immediately. They're all cynical, stupid, ignorant, self-inflated w*nkers, and I don't mean just in a Ben Folds Five context, but for all music. Nnnnggggh!

That is all....

Looks, Brains and Everything -


Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 09:10:04 -0500
From: (Mike Zipko)
Subject: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #330 

BFF is coming to Minneapolis Wednesday 6/4. I don't think the show will sell 
out because Disney bought the only worthwhile FM radio station in this market 
and turned it into another hard rock station. The alleged "modern rock" 
station refuses to play BFF

There was a cool preview piece in the St. Paul Pioneer Press today advancing 
the concert. It's an interesting take on the band from the state that 
produced Bob Dylan and Paul Westerberg. 



End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #333

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