The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #1441 - March 21, 1999

Magical Armchair Digest    Sunday, March 21 1999    Volume 01 : Number 1441

                          THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                    The Ben Folds Five Mailing List

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   Whenever there is a problem with the list, please check the list archive
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    Re: Don't Change Your Plans
    my new shirt
    "Don't Change Your Plans"
    Don't change your plans
    Vote for ARMY!!!
    Army etc.
    Chicago On Sale
    the release of TUBORM
    Joseph Gordon Levitt on BFF 
    tom and mary...the plot thickens
    My impression of the BFF album
    sheetmusic news


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 23:00:13 EST
Subject: Re: Don't Change Your Plans

Personally, I can say I love Ben Folds Five to death...through the first three
albums there has yet to be one track I didn't love...until TUBORM. I don't
know why but I just don't like Don't Change Your Plans...I don't like the
chorus much...perhaps that is why...Regardless, I still am optimistic for to
hear the rest of the tracks.


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 21:38:48 PST
From: "Alice Childress" <>
Subject: my new shirt

hello! i love the cover art for
fear of pop, so this arvo i had
a shirt printed that has the
picture of the 2 cowboy guys and
the running away person. it rules.
i am happy. janet =)

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 00:48:28 EST
Subject: "Don't Change Your Plans"

Hmm...listening to the song "Don't Change Your Plans" right now....initial
thoughts....the beginning sounds like that muppets song "Rainbow
Connection".....I like it though....does sound like classic bff to me, maybe
something that fits in more with the demos like "Half Asleep," "Lonely" and
"Silver Street" rather than with the songs on the S/T or W&EA...what do you
guys think? I like the "Burt Bacharach"-sounding horns, I almost expected to
hear Dionne Warwick on back-up.

Thanks to the person who posted the's the address again:


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 08:17:46 +0100
From: "Janniek van Walsum" <>
Subject: Don't change your plans

Hi everyone. Haven't written in what seems like years...
Just listened to 'Don't change your plans'. It hit me like a ton of =
'brick's! Heart wrenching, intimate, true BFF style! I can't wait until =
BTW, could someone send me the address for the MP3 for 'Army'. My =
dearest husband clears things up on our computer without asking me. =
And I am praying that they come to Holland!
I've been on the armchair since Dec. 96. It's had it's ups and downs, =
for sure, but the bottom line is that we are all fans of the same group =
and let's make this something the guys would be proud of...

Lisa Joy


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 05:30:59 -0800
From: Clare <>
Subject: Vote for ARMY!!!

Hey everyone! ARMY has been added to the JJJ net 50 voting list so I 
suggest we all get our virtual selves down here... to vote for it. And no, 
living in America or England or Uzbekistan is NOT an excuse not to vote. 
You can find out about listening to the Net 50 (on Saturdays) in Real 
Audio at . Also, I've put that picture of 
Ben standing next to a sunflower and holding an inflatable tulip and 
looking ...wistful... up on my pictures page if anyone wants to see.
In this time of retrospection
On the eve of my election
I say to my reflection
God please spare me more rejection!
				   -some band I don't know the name of.
				    (little joke there, did you spot it?)
- -- 
 **********************Have a go at the trivia quiz!********************
The In-Betweens...                         ...Clare's BEN FOLDS FIVE Page
Co:           Co:


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 09:56:36 +0000
From: Victoria <>
Subject: Army etc.

Hi all !

I was listening to Virgin radio, on Monday morning and Chris Evans and
Holly Samos were discussing what should be record of the week, while
they were talking they happened to mention that one of the other guys
who works there called Dan, had wanted them to choose "The New Ben Folds
Five song" but they chose the new one by Electronic instead, so I still
haven't heard it!
If you would all be so good as to email Chris and Co and ask them to
play it I would be most greatful  email:

Also I heard "dont change your plans" and I thought it was fab!  I want
it I want it I want it!!! and I can't find out from anywhere when it's
released in the UK!

But still I have my ticket for the Forum gig in London's Kentish Town,
so I have that to look forward to at least!

If any of you lovely people would mail me some realaudio files of rare
(non-album) bff tracks I would be proud to call you fellow

That's it for now, see ya'll soon!

PS I got dumped by my boyfriend of 3yrs on Valentine's day, I asked him
to send me my stuff back and some money that he owes me, but I haven't
received it so far (I think we'll probably end up getting back togther
again like we always do!)  If I don't get it back soon, I'm gonna send
him a Black T shirt!  He'll get the message!

Victoria  "Give me my money back PAUL!"


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 14:11:09 -0600
From: Sarah Troupis <>
Subject: Chicago On Sale

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day, ate a lot of
corned beef, drank some green beer or whatever you do to celebrate the
holiday.  And a big Happy Birthday to Billy Corgan, too, even though that's
a whole other mailing list.  How in the world did I end up with Billy Joel,
Ben Folds Five and the Smashing Pumpkins as my favorite bands?  That's more
than a bit messed up.

Okay, well, there is a point to this post (surprisingly enough).  I just
called Ticketmaster, and they didn't have any info on onsale times for the
Chicago show.  What a surprise.  So, does anyone know what time tickets are
onsale, and if they really are on sale this Saturday?  I really have to
know, because I'm going to France and I have to leave the country Saturday
morning.  I want to know if I'm going to be calling TM from a phone on a
plane or not.  Ah, the somewhat crazed fan - willing to pay God knows how
much on a phone call from a plane, just to get tickets to a show.  But you
guys understand.  You wouldn't be on MA if you didn't.

Thanks for your help on the tickets.  "Serve yourself, no one else can do
for you like you."  Thanks for the words of wisdom, Billy the birthday boy.

Peace, love, and all that other touchy feely stuff,


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:20:57 EST
Subject: the release of TUBORM

   I guess I've been living under a rock or i just missed it, but when does
TUBORM come out?  please just email me privately,, so as not to
clog up the digest.  Thanks!


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 15:38:29 CST
From: "Lauren Talbot" <>
Subject: Joseph Gordon Levitt on BFF 

     I was watching MTV today, and Joseph Gordon Levitt was talking 
about his new movie,"10 Things I Hate About You." (For those of you who 
don't know who JGL is, he plays Tommy on 3rd Rock from the Sun on NBC)  
He was talking about how the director of the movie told the cast members 
to vote on their five favorite bands to be on the soundtrack.  Joseph 
said that none of his favorites got on the soundtrack.  So Ananda Lewis  
(MTV VJ)asked him what were his favorites, and he said he liked Ben 
Folds Five and Weezer....That sucks that neither of those bands got 
voted because they both kick ass. 

*Lauren Talbot
*The Website of Who Could Care Less 
*ICQ - 16480620                                                      
"Have you ever heard the expression,'When life hans you lemons make 
lemonade, and throw it in the face of the person who gave you lemons 
until you get the oranges you asked for in the first place?'"
~Phil Hartman as Bill McNeal from "Newsradio"

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 17:43:27 EST
Subject: tom and mary...the plot thickens

i was reading the liner notes to my newest album...bus stop:  a little faster
(very good and very recommended!) and under the thanks part:  Tom & Mary

the plot thickens



Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 17:19:42 -0700
From: Stacy Lynn <>
Subject: My impression of the BFF album

I just recieved my advance copy of the new Ben Folds Five album, The
Unauthorized Biography of Rienhold Messner (muchas gracias, Shawn, and I
will figure out something to do for you in return!)  Anyway, I love it.
And I hope to God that this album is not their last.  However, if it is,
after a couple good cries, I will be ok.  What follows is my general
impression of the album as well as song by song impressions, so if you want
it to be a complete surprize, you have been warned.  If, however, you would
like to know what I think about the album, by all means, read ahead.

General impressions...  Well, while WE&E wasn't exactly a lo-fi album, it
seems that way compared to this.  It has a much bigger studio sound...
sounds like some mulitple tracks esp in the vocals.  Its like the
difference between Jellyfish's 1st album and their 2nd.  Their 1st one was
amazing, and had the distinctive pop sound, while their 2nd one had this
incredible very full sound... you know its definatly Jellyfish, but really,
the 2 albums are very different.  Burt Bacherach influence in a lot of
songs, Regrets seems to have some sort of stereolab/french pop/japanese pop
influence!  Some songs use differnt pianos (at least thats how it sounds to
me, but I could be wrong), an upright perhaps, a harpischord or soemthing
like that, an electric piano...  It still sounds like Ben Folds Five, but
just a different feel to the album.  I heard the fuzz bass was largely
missing in this album, so I looked (listened?) extra hard for it, and its
still there, but not quite as out in front.  It seems they are going for
more of an overall feel than just 3 instruments put together to make
incredible music.

Narcolepsy - This has to be one of my favorite tracks on the album.  The
piano is just beautiful, its like a lullaby, and then it wakes you up.
Lyrics are beautiful, very powerful part with lots of drums, big bass...
incredible piano playing skill...  Leigh, I might be able to help you out
with some of the lyrics on this song.

Don't Change Your Plans - Also one of my favorite tracks on this album.  I
remember the 1st time I heard it it was over the phone, and I was in awe.
As Leigh put it before I heard it, he said "you'll melt"  And I did.  I
still do, its just amazing.  It sort of sticks in your head, not because
its annoying, but because it is so good you don't want to forget it.  Many
of you have heard it already.  Horns...  Burt Bacherach feeling, esp when
the horns kick in.  The lyrics are amazing.  The "ahhhs" in the song just
hit me right *there* ya know?  Amazing piano, but then again, could we
expect less from Ben?

Mess - Hmm... another one of my fave tracks on this album.  Its just so
good.  This one, I really hear the bass, and the piano, well, its like
harpischord or something... I forget what its called, but Tori Amos uses
one of these pianoish instruments on her 3rd album.  This song reminds me
of something, maybe a song that I loved when I was kid?  Not like a kids
song, but a song from that era (70s and 80s).  But that doesn't quite
explain what I am trying to say.  Its also got a calypso type feeling to
it.  And the lyrics...  amazing song.  And for those of you who have heard
this song, if anyone knows what this song reminds me of, let me know!

Magic - This is the gem on the album.  It was written by Darren, and my
God, can he write a song.  I heard this song in the car for the 1st time,
and, well, you know how I said I thought I would have to pull over the car
when I first heard the new Built to Spill?  Well, about a minute into this
song, I started crying.  Pretty soon, I knew I woulnd't be able to drive.
So I did pull over.  I'm listening now, and even after hearing it maybe 5
times now, I still get very choked up.  It is just so beautiful.  So
heartbreakingly beautiful.  Violins, piano, bass, the drums, the words, no
words I can ever say will do this song enough justice.

Jane - Ben really digs that 70s feel...  Fear of Pop had it, and this song
has it a bit.  This isn't one of my fave tracks on the album, but I do like
it more each time I hear it.

Hospital Song - This song has very interesting things going on with the
piano.  Starts out with that harpsichord sound, then as the song
progresses, there is this lovely melody played over the bass line...  Its a
very pretty song.

Army - Most of you have heard this.  Like Don't Change Your Plans, the 1st
time I heard it was over the phone!  My sound card was broken, but it was
worth a long distance phone call!  Its great, lots of fun, its got the
horns, the bass, this is the most like their old stuff, I think.  I dont
think I need to go into details on this one as you've all heard it before.

Your Most Valuble Possesion - This is someone's message to Ben on his
answering machine, so its kinda weird.  The music played over it is
beautiful, but this is a track I'll have to get used to.

Regrets - This song has that "bubbles" sound that makes me think of
Stereolab.  Its great, the lyrics are what we've come to expect from BFF in
the way of inrony, fun, etc...  I like this song, and the end is just
amazing, and Leigh, yes, I do hear that pink floyd-ish sound, esp in the
"ahhhhs" the drumming, the violins, the piano, etc at the end.  Its
amazing.  Pure amazement.

Lullabye - I love this song.  Its not a lullabye.  It kinda makes me happy,
I dunno...  I love the hand claps, they aren't obtrusive or anything,
just...  and the violins, big big sound, piano is just lovely...  This is a
great song to end the album with.

Your Redneck Past - my copy did not have this song.

Thats all.  This album is so absolutely amazing.  I love it more each time
I hear it.  I will be the 1st person in line here in Tucson to buy it, let
me tell you.  I love this band so so so much.  I have since Underground,
and yes, they continue to change and grow, but they don't loose what drew
me to them in the first place, and that is their passion, their intesity,
their emotion, their talent.  I can't tell you how much I love this band,
so I'll stop now.

Thank you, and BUY THIS ALBUM.  =-)
If the path of least resistance is all you ever take
Well at least you've been consistant
And for that, I've baked you a cake.
			--Jason Falkner "Author Unknown"
Stacy Lynn   	icq: 7641939


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 22:32:33 EST
Subject: *Ahem*

Well after reading the lovely Advocate I found out some information on the Ben
Folds Five show in are $20.00 and can be bought through
Protix, For the Record (a music store in Amherst) or at Amherst College
itself. Show starts at 7 or 8 and it's at LeFrak Gymnasium.

Sarah ;)


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:34:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Anne Kirkwood <>
Subject: sheetmusic news

for all of you in Melbourne, I rang my local piano shop and they told
me that they've had WAEA on backorder for the last 3 months, and are
hoping to get it in soon.  They said that the international market has
left Aus behind or something like that.  When I asked to be put down
for a copy of WAEA, the guy said that Naked Baby Photos was also
available!!! So I've put my name down. It's apparently $60 for WAEA,
but it'll be worth it!
The place I rang is 'The Piano Shop' and it's in Sth Oakleigh, so look
it up in the white pages(under The).

I can't wait to get it!!

Why is it that if someone tells you that there are 1 billion stars in the universe you will believe them, but if they tell you a wall has wet paint you will have to touch it to be sure?

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End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1441

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